Ginger Pop: Pop Culture and Circumstance

Most people may only attend a handful of graduations in a lifetime (their own, friends, family); as a teacher I attend one every year. Luckily, I enjoy a good graduation ceremony. I like the hope of it and the sense of accomplishment. So it’s no big surprise that I love graduation movies/television episodes. For those who don’t get to experience graduation in real life every year, here are a few tasty pop morsels of graduation and graduation night fun to help you relive it time after time.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 3, Episodes 21 and 22–“Graduation Day, Parts 1 and 2”

Part of the appeal of Buffy the Vampire Slayer stemmed from Joss Whedon’s brilliant play on high school as hell. It was only fitting then that the season three apocolypse coincided with graduation day. This pair of episodes I would argue are among the top ten of the series for their mix of action (Faith vs Buffy!), comedy, and great storytelling.

Can’t Hardly Wait, 1998

So for those who know me it will come as no surprise that in high school I was totally Lauren Ambrose’s character from this movie. Although, I didn’t do the short haircut until college. I also didn’t spend the night after graduation in a bathroom with Seth Green. That was also in college (I kid). I love that this film is built around Jennifer Love Hewitt literally just wandering around for like 90 minutes doing pretty much nothing. I also love that there is an entire plot point about a stripping angel thinking Ethan Embry is in love with Barry Manilow. Totally happened at my high school, too.

Beverly Hills 90210 (original), Season 3, Episodes 28, 29, and 30–“Something in the Air,” and “Commencement, Parts 1 and 2”

Technically the original gang from 90210 didn’t graduate until the flashback laden two-part finale. But three words make the third to last episode of the season a must watch for any true fan of 90s culture: “Donna Martin Graduates.”

Grease, 1978

I’ll admit it: I wish I had been handed my high school diploma during a massive dance number at a carnival following a make over involving red Candies and before flying away in Greased Lightning. What?  Shut up. You know you do, too.